Published: 2018-02-08

Disability and health outcomes – from a cohort of people on long-term antiretroviral therapy

Hellen Myezwa, Jill Hanass-Hancock, Adedayo Tunde Ajidahun, Bradley Carpenter


Exploring the acceptability of Option B plus among HIV-positive Nigerian women engaged and not engaged in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV cascade: a qualitative study

Salome C. Erekaha, Llewellyn J. Cornelius, Melissa L. Bessaha, Abdulmumin Ibrahim, Gabriel D. Adeyemo, Mofoluwake Fadare, Manhattan Charurat, Echezona E. Ezeanolue, Nadia A. Sam-Agudu


Evaluation of a community-based ART programme after tapering home visits in rural Sierra Leone: a 24-month retrospective study

J. Daniel Kelly, Raphael Frankfurter, Gregoire Lurton, Sulaiman Conteh, Susannah F. Empson, Fodei Daboh, Brima Kargbo, Thomas Giordano, Joia Mukherjee, M. Bailor Barrie

Determinants of disclosure and non-disclosure of HIV-positive status, by pregnant women in rural South Africa

Shandir Ramlagan, Gladys Matseke, Violeta J. Rodriguez, Deborah L. Jones, Karl Peltzer, Robert A.C. Ruiter, Sibusiso Sifunda

The pull of soccer and the push of Xhosa boys in an HIV and drug abuse intervention in the Western Cape, South Africa

Melissa Medich, Deborah Mindry, Mark Tomlinson, Mary Jane Rotheram- Borus, Jason Bantjes, Dallas Swendeman

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1813-4424
print ISSN: 1729-0376