La Revue de Médecine et de Pharmacie is a semestrial publication of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Douala. It is destined to the university scientific community, physicians and other researchers in all countries who wish to make known the results of their research. It publishes original articles; case reports; editorials; seminar and congress reports in relation to human health

Published: 2025-03-03

L’insuffisance cardiaque au service de cardiologie du centre hospitalier regional de Maradi : Presentation clinique, traitement et pronostic.

Heart failure in the cardiology department of the Maradi regional hospital center: Clinical presentation, treatment and prognosis

H Laouan, I Couldiati, SM M’baye Salissou, MA Ibrahim, MM Sani Mahaman, M Maliki Abdoulaye, HN Tsague Kengni, AW Issoufou Alzouma, HL Mianroh, D Amadou, A Guindo, V Ndobo, D Siddikatou, A Touré

1817 - 1821

Evisceration spontanee : Une complication inhabituelle de la hernie ombilicale a propos d’un cas

An unusual complication of umbilical hernia in a case report

Atangana Cédric Paterson, Bob Nyanit Dorcas, Savom Eric Patrick, Dikongue Diwondi Audrey, Akoa Manga Ismaël, Nguimbous Eddy Bakal, Akweseh Nkemontoh, Evoni Tatiana, Bang Guy Aristide

1847 - 1849

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Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2410-8936
print ISSN: 2226-2903