La Revue de Médecine et de Pharmacie is a semestrial publication of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Douala. It is destined to the university scientific community, physicians and other researchers in all countries who wish to make known the results of their research. It publishes original articles; case reports; editorials; seminar and congress reports in relation to human health

Published: 2025-02-21

Nutritional status of infants exposed to HIV aged from 0 to 12 months in Douala

Patricia Epee Eboumbou, Charlotte Eposse , Ritha Mbono Betoko , Corinne Kabasie , Betrand Tambe Ayuk, Hassanatou Iyawa, Dominique Enyama , Isabelle Mekone , Danielle Kedy Koum , Ida Penda Calixte

1636- 1639

Fractures bimalleolaires chez l’adulte : aspects epidemiologiques⸒ diagnostics, thérapeutiques et evolutifs a l’hôpital laquintinie de Douala

Bimalleolar fractures in adults: epidemiological⸒diagnostic⸒ therapeutic and progressive aspects at Laquintinie Hospital in Douala

Alphonse Daudet Batchom , Freddy Bombah , Raphaella Nyekel , Moustapha Pefakouo , Saïdou Arabo , Marie Ange Ngo Yamben , Dimitri Badang , Pierre Junior Pagbe , Jean Paul Engbang Ndamba , Daniel Handy Eone , Marcelin Ngowe Ngowe


Indications et resultats de l’endoscopie digestive haute chez le sujet age a Bouake –Côte d’Ivoire

Indications and results of upper digestive endoscopy in aged subjects in Bouake – Ivory coast

Olivier Claver Koffi Kouassi , Amadou Koné , Akoun Fabrice Aké , Jean Michel Brou Senellart , Ahmadou Oury Diallo, H Emanuella Assohou , Mamadou Diakité, Jean Baptiste Okon Anassi , B. Ouattara

1651- 1654

Facteurs associes a la fibrose hepatique pendant la steatopathie metabolique chez le noir Africain

Factors associated with hepatic fibrosis during metabolic steatopathy in black Africans

Kouamé Hatrydt Guillaume Dimitri, Doffou Adjéka Stanislas, Eric Gildas Tchouamo , Fulgence Mammert Yao- Bathaix , Marie-Jeanne Lohouès-Kouacou


Cancers du tube digestif chez les patients de moins de 45 ans : aspects cliniques, paracliniques et facteurs pronostiques dans 02 hôpitaux de reference au Cameroun

Digestive tract cancers in patients under 45 years of age: clinical, paraclinical aspects and prognosis factors in 02 reference hospitals in Cameroon

Winnie Tatiana Bekolo Nga , G. Aghoagni , Anne Maïson-Mayeh , Esther Dina-Bell , Antonin Ndjitoyap , Olga Machékam-Matanga , Agnès Malongue, Mathurin Kowo , Dominique Noah Noah , Oudou Njoya , Firmin Ankouane Andoulo , Henry Namme Luma , Servais AF Eloumou Bagnaka


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eISSN: 2410-8936
print ISSN: 2226-2903