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Impact of smart classrooms in higher education on academic performance: a meta-analysis
Rationale of Study – With the development of information and communication technologies, colleges and universities worldwide have set up smart classrooms. This study aims to quantify the driving factors influencing student academic performance in a smart classroom environment.
Methodology – A meta-analysis method is used to quantitatively analyse smart classrooms' impact on higher education students' academic performance, covering seven courses, such as foreign languages and computers, and 15 papers from four countries. The label encoding scheme is used to convert the categorical variables into numerical variables, and the linear regression model is constructed to analyse the influence of each variable on students' academic performance.
Findings – The results show that smart classrooms positively impact the academic performance of higher education students with an impact value of 1.18, and the impact is more pronounced for operational courses such as dentistry and computer science.
Implications – A smart classroom environment dramatically improves students' learning effect, which is significant to students' autonomous learning.
Originality – This paper is based on an original study on the impact of smart classrooms in higher education in four countries.