Published: 2023-05-22

Fast food consumption habits among young people in south western Nigeria

I.L. Mukoru, O. Adebayo, O.A. Oyabambi, K Kanmodi, O.F. Ojo, S.O. Oiwoh, J.M. Agbogidi, A. Williams, M.J. Ibiyo, A. Samuel , O. Ogunsuji, L. Ogunjimi


Prevalence and antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli isolated from abattoir and aquaculture environment in Ebonyi State, South East Nigeria.

S.C. Onuoha, C.O.O. Okafor, B.O. Eronmosele, K.N. Ovia, M.C. Nwosu, C.C. Onwere, I.U. Ude, A.C. Ezeme-Nwafor, P. Ani


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eISSN: 2467-8252
print ISSN: 2360-7793