Themed Edition on Environmental Chemical Risk Factors of Breast Cancer

Published: 2024-10-02

Environmental chemical risk factors of breast cancer in Nigeria I: Broad overview

Yetunde Olumide, Olusola Ayanlowo, Ayesha Akinkugbe, Erereoghor Otrofanowei

Environmental chemical risk factors of breast cancer in Nigeria III: Metal: Lead

Yetunde Olumide, Olusola Ayanlowo, Ayesha Akinkugbe, Erereoghor Otrofanowei

Could the high incidence of breast cancers in Nigerian women be related to 1,4-Dioxane in skin lightening products?

Yetunde Olumide, Olusola Ayanlowo, Aisha Akinkugbe, Erereoghor Otrofanowei, Sherifat Adeniyi, Olawale Peters, Omotola Olumodeji, Macaulay Idumah

Environmental chemical risk factors of breast cancer in Nigeria IV: Pesticides

Yetunde Olumide, Olusola Ayanlowo, Ayesha Akinkugbe, Erereoghor Otrofanowei

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2705-327X
print ISSN: 0794-7976