Published: 2020-08-14

Canine copper-associated hepatitis: A retrospective study of 17 clinical cases

Anthony Rodrigues, Rodolfo O. Leal, Maud Girod, Claire Dally, Emmanuel Guery, Eymeric Gomes, Juan Hernandez


More cell culture passaged Camelpox virus sequences found resembling those of vaccinia virus

Abdelmalik I. Khalafalla, Mohamed A. Al Hosani, Hassan Zackaria Ali Ishag, Salama S. Al Muhairi


Endometritis in the bitch: Immunohistochemical localization of cyclooxygenase 2

María Carla García Mitacek, Romina Gisele Praderio, María Cecilia Stornelli, Rodolfo Luzbel de la Sota, María Alejandra Stornelli


Susceptibility to SARS, MERS, and COVID-19 from animal health perspective

Aasish Gautam, Krishna Kaphle, Birendra Shrestha, Samiksha Phuyal


Impact of global climate change on livestock health: Bangladesh perspective

Md Zulfekar Ali, Gemma Carlile, Mohammad Giasuddin


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2218-6050
print ISSN: 2226-4485