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Minimum Thresholds of Monte Carlo Cycles for Nigerian Empirical-Mechanistic Pavement Analysis and Design System
Monte Carlo simulation has proven to be an eective means of incorporating reliability analysisinto the Mechanistic-Empirical (M-E) design process for exible pavements. Nigerian Empirical-Mechanistic Pavement Analysis and Design System procedure for Nigeria Environments has beenproposed. This work aimed at providing most appropriate number of Monte Carlo simulationcycles that should be adopted for used to provide enough sucient repeatability for damage re-liability relationship in the Nigerian environments. Two selected fatigue distress models and aselected rutting distress models were evaluated for Nigerian environment. It was observed thatMonte Carlo simulation cycle of 2, 500 thresholds were enough to be used to provide sucientrepeatability for damage reliability relationship and that axle weight has an overwhelming eecton the output variability as an increase in applied load was highly noticed in the reliability values.
Keywords: pavement distress, fatigue, rutting, mechanistic-empirical, Monte Carlo