The aim of establishing the Nigerian Journal of Technology is to create a forum for the publication of well-researched articles in all areas of Engineering and Technology and for fast dissemination of such research reports. We accept multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary manuscripts that have application and relevance in Engineering. Manuscripts submitted to NIJOTECH should fall within any of the following broad areas:
- Building, Civil and Geotechnical Engineering
- Chemical, Industrial, Petroleum and Production Engineering
- Mechanical, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering,
- Computer, Telecommunications, Software, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Agricultural, Bioresources, Biomedical and Food Engineering
- Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
- General and Emerging Engineering
All papers submitted to the journal should be an original thought-provoking appraisal of existing knowledge, collation of relevant data of interest or investigation and exploration of new fields in applied science and technology. Only original articles which have been peer-reviewed to show new or additional knowledge can be considered for publication.
View our website here: www.nijotech.com
This journal has been accepted for indexing in Scopus (October 2023).
Current Issue: Vol. 43 No. 4 (2024)
Published: 2025-02-01