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Assessment of the Hydropower Potential of Kangimi Reservoir in Kaduna State Nigeria

JA Otun
JI Onemano
AW Alayande


This study evaluated the hydropower potentials of the Kangimi reservoir (KR) and found that the Kangimi reservoir can potentially generate 1.109MW and 0.692 MW if the KR dam axis is respectively placed at 612m and 604m above mean sea level. These levels represent the upper and the lower limits at which the proposed hydropower scheme can suciently release water from Kangimi reservoir to conjunctively meet the water demands for the newly proposed hydropower and designed water supply and irrigation purposes. This hydro electric power potential of the reservoir can suciently meet the 872.566 KW total estimated energy needs of the communities surrounding the KR. The study further assessed and highlighted all the possible impacts, implications and requirements for developing this proposed Kangimi small hydro power scheme to improve the socio-economic development of the neighboring communities around KR.

Keywords: hydropower potentials, Kangimi reservoir, small hydropower plant, rural development, energy needs