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Shear-stud restrained composite slab strength prediction model

K. Mohammed
A.M. Alkali
K. Bulu


The use of shear-stud in composite slab (CS) construction can significantly enhances its longitudinal shear capacity. However, the strength capacity determination of such complex construction is still marred with the capital-intensive challenge resulting from the complex laboratory procedures for establishing its longitudinal shear capacity. To address this challenge, this article develops a simplified numerical function for determining longitudinal shear capacity for CS with shear stud. This study considers slope-intercept method for the longitudinal shear estimate and the adaptation of rational approach in developing the performance function. Furthermore, limit state function was from the use of shear capacity violation that considers experimental failure load (FL) value and design load estimated form the shear contributions. The resulting outputs from the rational analysis facilitated the formulation of numerical function for the determination of FL in a more simplified form. The developed FL algorithm exhibits strong performance in determining the alternate CS failure load though there is stillroom for further improvement especially if span length would be taken into consideration. Further development that incorporates span length might give much favorable result in determining CS strength especially when considering slope-intercept method

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2467-8821
print ISSN: 0331-8443