This paper presents a dynamic analysis of an autonomous Self-Excited Induction Generator (SEIG) showing dynamic loss of load performance. In stand-alone operation of the SEIG, especially when supplying a low power utility, an interesting performance of the SEIG observed for various power factor loads can be harnessed to maximise the use of the SEIG. Analysis is carried out based of the d-q axis model, while considering the performance characteristics of the machine at constant machine speed, capacitor value and for various power factor loads. The transient surge, its decay and rise on the various machine variables – phase voltage, phase current, capacitor current and load current are investigated for a gain and subsequent loss of load. The time it takes to excite the machine is also considered for the various power factors on an unloaded condition. The effects of the loading on the frequency, as well as the drop in the value of the monitored parameters are also investigated.