Multi-Objective Decision Matrix was applied to rural water supply and sanitation (RWSS), small scale irrigation( SSI) and flood/erosion/geotechnical (FEG) in Adamawa State and North- eastern Nigeria (Adamawa, Gombe, Taraba, and Bauchi States). Sixty (60) questionnaires were administered to experienced technically oriented personnel in the study area for evaluating objective weights attached to various projects. Forty-five responded and their values of objective weights attached to project cost, environmental effects, reliability, implementability and sustainable energy source were used to evaluate objective weights for the study area. The objective weights were applied to various project alternatives in the study area. In Adamawa state, rural water supply and sanitation (RWSS) gave the highest objective index of 552552. In the North east, small scale irrigation projects gave the highest objective index of 6401271. Rural water supply and sanitation and small scale irrigation are the most preferred projects in the study area based on the cost data available.