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Campus Wide Network for University of Nigeria, Nsukka Campus
This paper presents the blue print and detailed implementation of a campus-wide network backbone for the University of Nigeria, Nsukka as a case study. The need for a campus network for this particular community has been long overdue. The University of Nigeria, Nsukka needs this method of communication and access to volumes of information now available on the Internet at an affordable cost, and needs to perform research through collaboration at the national and international levels rather than remain in isolation. This paper shows that this access can be provided affordably and efficiently. It also shows that this access will be provided through a combination of local area networks inter connected by both fiber optic cable links and by wireless (radio) antennae. Access to the Internet backbone was achieved via the VSAT at the Computer Communications Center (CCC) with the creation of the local backbone and a propagation of the service to outlying areas thereafter. The detailed network evaluation is also presented.