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A Novel Configuration of Feedback's Electric Machine Tutor (EMT) Model 180 as an Asynchronous Multiphase Reluctance Machine Without Rotor Conductors
This paper reports a successful adaptation of a laboratory teaching machine - Electrical Machine Tutor (EMT) model 180 as an asynchronous composite polyphase electric motor without rotor conductors. The device comprises two such identical machines without rotor conductors, all the conductors being on the stator side, which are mechanically coupled together such that their pole axes are in space quadrature. The torque mechanism of the device is shown as the interaction between the mmf due to the excitation current and that due to the circulating current inherent in the novel configuration and explains the cyclic contribution of the net torque of the device by the two machine elements comprising the composite reluctance motor. Details of the connection scheme of the device and its analysis are also presented and possible applications suggested.