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Modelling for Optimal Number of Line Storage Reservoirs in a Water Distribution System
A mathematical model by which one can derive the most appropriate number of line storage reservoirs (which satisfy stated criteria) was developed and solved using an algorithm developed specially for the purpose.
A hypothetical example was solved using a 16-node network on a flat, plane where the flow to each demand, centre is 946 m3/day. In a developing country with a consumption of about 150 litres per capita per day (lped), this is approximately 6.300 consumers per node or a total of 100,000 consumers for the network. Distances between the line storage reservoirs are 3.2 kilometres.
The results indicate that the least costly solution required two (2) line reservoirs for a system cost of N236, 190. In addition, as the supply duration to each demand centre increases, the system costs initially decrease, attain a minimum at 21 hours of supply and thereafter increases.