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Evaluation of the mineral and sensory properties of fresh and dried honeydew fruits (cucumis melo var. Inodorus) and juice

F.M. Gbeyonron
T.S. Dzawua


Background: Honeydew fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals essential for human growth and development. Need to provide  information on the mineral constituents of both fresh and dried parts of the fruit.

Objective: The study evaluated themineral contents offresh and dried honeydew fruit(Cucumismelo) and juice.

Methods: Fresh honeydew was thoroughly washed to remove any dirt, debris, or potential contaminants from the surface. The cleaned  fruit was cut in half and the endocarp, mesocarp and epicarp were separated making sure the green rind part of the fruit epicarp is left  untouched. The processed fresh and sun-dried fruit were subjected to mineral analysis by standard procedures. Data obtained were  subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) while Duncan's Multiple Range Test was used in separating the means at significance  difference of 5 % level of probability.

Result: The mineral composition of dried epicarp, mesocarp and endocarp of honeydew fruits showed that iron, Calcium, Phosphorus  and Potassium ranged from 3.29 to 7.72 mg/100g, 2.23 to 11.31 mg/100g, 13.60 to 112.50 mg/100g and 5.05 to 51.16 mg/100g,  respectively while in the fresh samples, endocarp had the highest value in almost all the samples except from potassium in mesocarp.  The result of the sensory attributes of fresh and dried honeydew juice showed that appearance, flavour, aroma, taste and general acceptability ranged from 7.93 to 8.47, 7.53 to 7.73, 7.07 to 7.73, 7.73 to 7.80 and 7.60 to 8.07 respectively.

Conclusion:The study revealed  significant difference (p<0.05) in the mineral composition of the dried honeydew fruits with dried endocarp recording higher values for  calcium (11.31 mg/100g) and phosphorus (112.50 mg/100g). Similarly, fresh endocarp revealed significant (p<0.05) higher values for calcium (9.74 mg/100g) and phosphorus (mg/100g). The result of the sensory analysis indicated that dried juice samples recorded higher  overall acceptability. The study recommends dried and fresh endocarp honeydew fruits for an improved amount of calcium, phosphorus,  iron and potassium. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2805-4008
print ISSN: 0189-0913