Although lipoma is a common tumor found in almost all parts of the body, that occurring in the mesentery of the gut is a rarity. A 29‑year‑old man presented in our center with a 10‑year history of recurrent central colicky abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation, and central abdominal mass. Exploratory laparotomy revealed a huge smooth yellow mass in the mesentery of the mid ileum. Resection of the affected segment of the ileum and end to end ileal anastomosis were carried out. Histology report confirmed lipoma. He had uneventful post‑operative recovery. Mesenteric lipoma should be considered as a possible differential diagnosis in a patient with recurrent features of intestinal obstruction and a mobile abdominal mass. A high index of suspicion and improvement on the pre‑operative diagnosis and treatment are needed in secondary health facilities in Africa.
Keywords: Intestinal obstruction, lipoma, mesentery
Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice • Oct-Dec 2013 • Vol 16 • Issue 4