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Neuromusculoskeletal disorders in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus: Outcome of a twelve-week Therapeutic exercise programme
physical needs usually receiving minimal attention. Among the physical needs, requiring attention is their neuromusculoskeletal disorders. This study was designed to investigate the effect of a twelve-week therapeutic
exercise on neuromusculoskeletal disorders ofType 2 Diabetes (T2D) patients. Forty-three participants from the Diabetes Specialty Clinic ofAminu KanoTeaching Hospital, Kano completed the study. Selected neuromusculoskeletal disorders including pain, dermatological foot grades,
disorders of ranges of motion and strength of selected joints and muscles were assessed before and after a period of twelve weeks of therapeutic exercises. Participants were followed up for another twelve weeks
without therapeutic exercises. Baseline assessment revealed poor neuromusculoskeletal status. Significant improvements (P<0.05)
were obtained for pain, Severity of Dermatological Foot Grading, Muscle strength (One Repetition Maximum) and Range of Motions at the end of the exercises except that of right wrist extension (P>0.05). T2D patients presented with neuromusculoskeletal disorders at baseline. Therapeutic exercises however assisted in the improvement of these disorders but relapsed when exercises were suspended. Engagement in therapeutic exercises enhanced neuromusculoskeletal health, while withdrawal from the exercise contributed to a decline. T2D patients should be encouraged to participate in therapeutic exercises in order to promote their health and function.