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Serum urea and uric acid concentration in pregnant women in sub-urban commercial community in Africa
Serum uric acid and urea levels were determined in 27 pregnant and 17 non-pregnant blackAfrican women. Uric acid levels for the pregnant women were significantly raised, and the relationship between uric acid
elevation and gestational proteinuric hypertensionwas discussed. In conclusion, we recommend that uric acid estimation should be included during routine antenatal clinics in normal pregnancy. That the use of uric acid levels should be encouraged for the diagnosis and management of gestational proteinuric hypertension in African pregnant women. The above recommendation will help to reduce prenatalmorbidity andmortality inAfrican pregnantwomen.
elevation and gestational proteinuric hypertensionwas discussed. In conclusion, we recommend that uric acid estimation should be included during routine antenatal clinics in normal pregnancy. That the use of uric acid levels should be encouraged for the diagnosis and management of gestational proteinuric hypertension in African pregnant women. The above recommendation will help to reduce prenatalmorbidity andmortality inAfrican pregnantwomen.