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A Review Of Preterm Admissions Into Special Care Baby Unit, In University Of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital: A Four Year Experience

J P Ambe
A Idrisa
J D Usman


There is little or no report of preterm (babies born less than 37 completed weeks of gestation) admission from this part of Sahel Savannah of Nigeria. This study of four-year period is presented to identify areas that require improvement, such as in the Labour ward and neonatal care. The case files of the 428 preterm newborns admitted into Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) of the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital were reviewed. Preterms constituted 54.9% of the overall admissions, 53.4% being Low birth weight newborns (=2500 gm).
Premature rupture of membrane, previous preterm deliveries, twin gestation and pregnancy induced hypertension were some of the common maternal factors that were associated with preterm deliveries.
Birth asphyxia, Apnoea, Small for gestation age 9weight less than 10th centile), respiratatory distress were the main problem observed among the preterm newborns.
Neonatal mortality rate was 349/1000 live birth; 62.1% of the death were preterm infants. Mortalities were common among babies weighing 1000 gm or less and also of babies of lower gestational age.
We can improve on this, by implementing simple common measures such as educating our mothers on the need for good antenatal care and hospital deliveries, so that those with pregnancy induced hypertension, premature rupture of membrane, previous preterm delivery can be detected early and institute proper management.

Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Vol. 10 (3) 2007 pp. 229-233