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The Use Of Herbal Products In Dementia: Experience Of Kippo In Four Nigerians
In this report, we present our experience with Kippo – a Japanese herbal product – in 4 Nigerians with dementia. Two of the patients fully completed the study. The ten word list learning test, community screening interview for dementia (CSI –D), structured dementia interview (SIDAM) and the Geriatric Mental State schedule (GMS) were used to identify dementia according to ICD – 10 diagnostic criteria.
Dementia behaviour disturbance scale (DBD) and modified 22 – item mini – mental state examination (MMSE) were used to evaluate the product efficacy over 8 weeks. One patient showed some initial improvement on the DBD without effect on the MMSE and the other patient showed some initial improvement on the MMSE without effect on the DBD. Both patients had worsening on the clinical Global Impression Scale (CGI) within the study period.
There were no demonstrable adverse effects as shown by physical examinations and laboratory tests. No definite conclusion could be drawn on the efficacy and safety of Kippo in dementia in this short study. We recommend a well-controlled larger scale investigation of the effect of Kippo on well-defined different subtypes of dementia.
Key Words: Dementia, herbal products, Kippo
Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Vol 8(1) 2005: 51-55