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Term Abdominal Pregnancy Misdiagnosed As Abruptio Placenta
She had an urgent laparotomy with delivery of a live female baby lying in the left broad ligament. The baby weighed 2.6kg with Apgar scores of 2 and 6 at first and fifth minutes respectively. The partially detached placenta was easily delivered complete with membranes. Haemostasis was secured by ligation and excision of the left adnexum (broad ligament with the pregnancy sac and uterine appendages). She was transfused with two units of whole blood.
This case highlights the importance of excluding pregnancy in any woman of reproductive age with undiagnosed abdominal mass and utero-vaginal prolapse before any manipulation. It also underscores the importance of ultrasound scan in early pregnancy by a competent sonologist.
Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Vol 8(1) 2005: 43-45