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Massive Fetal Ascites: Vaginal Delivery After Trans- Abdominal Fetal Paracentesis
We report a care of acute fetal acites diagnosed by ultrasonograhy at 29 weeks gestation in a primigravida who used herbel fertility drugs for conception and through the fist 8 weeks of gestation. Under ultrasound guidance the fetal peritoneal cavity was canulated via the material abdomen with an 18G intravenous canular. A total of 3000mls of straw – coloured fluid was drained before the eventual vaginal delivery of a live 3.8kg fetus .The fetus had multiple congenital anomalies besides the massive fetal acites and died after 23 minutes despite Resuscitative efforts. There is the 4 refore the need for early anomaly scan to detect cases of this sort and institute appropriate intervention
Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Vol.6(2) 2003: 120-121
Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Vol.6(2) 2003: 120-121