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A Review Of 39 Cases Of Unerupted Maxillary Incisors
Methods: Clinical records of 2,240 patients that attended the Orthodontic Clinic of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos Nigeria between June 1998 and December 2000 were retrieved and reviewed. Date extracted included age, gender, tooth type(s) and aetiological factors causing delayed eruption were recorded.
Result: Out of 2,240 patients seen during the period of the study, 39 cases (1.7%) presented with a total of 41 unerupted maxillary incisors. Maxillary right central incisor was found to be most frequently involved tooth 16 (39.0%). The left central incisor involvement was in 13 (31.7%) of maxillary incisors. There was bilateral involvement of the central as well as the lateral incisors in 2 cases representing 4.9% each of the samples studied. Of the lateral incisors, the right one was similarly more often affected (12.2%) than the left one (7.3%). The presence of isolated odontomes was the most common cause of lack of eruption of the maxillary incisors with a prevalence of 20.5%. Other factors causing delayed eruption were odontomes with retained primary tooth (15.4%), presence of supernumerary teeth of especially the mesiodens type (15.4%), retained primary teeth (12.8%), rotation and trauma constituting 7.7% each. An inverted tooth that failed to erupt was recorded in only one case of the population (2.6%). Fibrous tissue delayed eruption of the maxillary incisors in 5.1% and in about 12.8% the etiological factor could not be ascertained
Conclusion: All the teeth that have not erupted six months after its normal eruption date should be subjected to radiological examination to ascertain any possible cause. The earlier the removal of the causative factor preventing eruption of the maxillary incisors, the better is the prognosis
KEY WORDS: Unerupted, Teeth, Maxillary and Incisors.
Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Vol.6(1) 2003: 60-64