CN Okoromah
Departments of Paediatrics and Child-Health, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria
MA Odelola
Departments of Paediatrics and Child-Health, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria
FZ Etukudo
Departments of *Surgery, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria
Choledochal cysts are rare congenital anomalies resulting from congenital dilatations of the common bile duct (CBD) and usually they present during infancy with cholestatic jaundice. This report is on a massive-sized choledochal cyst associated with massive abdominal distention, respiratory embarrassment, postprandial vomiting and intractable electrolyte imbalance leading to death within 48 hours after emergency surgery in a five-month old Infant. This form of presentation is considered unusual and notable. This case report is aimed at highlighting this unique presentation and reviewing literature on choledochal cyst. It is hoped that this report will prompt early recognition and attention to the potential complications of choledochal cyst, in order to forestall morbidity and mortality. We recommended evaluation of the in-hospital long-term postoperative outcomes of cases of choledochal cyst.
KEY WORDS: Choledochal cyst., Massive dilatation, complications, Death.
Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Vol.5(2) 2002: 150-152