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The unerupted maxillary canine -A review of literature
The purpose of this paper is to bring about a better appreciation of causative factors and those influencing management decisions of the unerupted maxillary canine. It reviews current literature of the anomaly of the unerupted maxillary canine, which is one of the most frequently displaced teeth in the maxillary arch.
Aetiological factors of this anomaly are widely varied and include advanced state of development at an early age, trauma, dentoalveolar disproportion, absence or reduction in size of the upper lateral incisor and genetics. The possible complications of canine impaction are also discussed. Methods of assessing the unerupted canine both clinically and radiographically are highlighted along with ways of predicting and preventing the anomaly. Finally it details management of the problem including factors to be taken into consideration prior to treatment and the various treatment options available to date.
The need for early assessment of patients presenting in the dental clinic cannot be over-emphasized in the possible prevention of this anomaly. The observation of one or more of the possible causative factors as well as delayed eruption of the permanent canine or prolonged retention of its predecessor should also be cause for further investigation.
Choice of the various treatment options available is dependent on a number of factors including patient`s attitude, the position of the unerupted tooth relative to the standing teeth as well as the present occlusion of the patient.
KEY WORDS: Maxillary Canine, Unerupted, Review.
Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Vol.5(2) 2002: 91-98