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Hyperglycemic crisis precipitated by Lassa fever in a patient with previously undiagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus
Hyperglycemic crisis (HC) is an acute complication of diabetes mellitus (DM) that is commonly precipitated by infections and non.compliance with therapy. Viral precipitant of HC is uncommon. To report a rare case of HC unmasked by Lassa fever in a patient previously not known to have diabetes mellitus. A 54 year old lady presented with complaints of generalized body weakness, inability to pass stool, and fever. There was no abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea. There were no features of DM. She is not a known case of diabetes mellitus or hypertension. Patient does not drink alcoholic beverages. There was no history of bleeding from any orifices. She was acutely ill-looking, afebrile, not pale, anicteric, nil pedal oedema. Pulse rate was 110 beats per minute, regular, normal volume. Blood pressure was 110/80 mmHg. Respiratory rate was 26 cycles/minute, breath sound was vesicular. Abdomen was full and moved with respiration. There were no areas of tenderness, no organomegaly, no ascites, and bowel sounds were normoactive. Neurologic examination revealed a conscious patient who was restless. Casual blood glucose was 600mg/dl. Urinalysis: Glycosuria (+++), HbA1c was 12.4%. Lassa PCR done was positive. Patient was managed for hyperglycemic crisis with intravenous normal saline and soluble insulin. She was also commenced on Ribavirin but died of complications of lassa fever. Lassa fever should be included as a precipitant of hyperglycemic crisis in endemic countries.
Key words: Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state, lassa fever, precipitating factor