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Effects of Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) Oil on Hepatic Function Parameters in Rats Induced with Diabetes Mellitus and Periodontitis

Ugbome A. Opute
Osuvwe C. Orororo
Ofejiro I. Efejene
Abdulwasiu A. Busari
Kabir Badmos
Cynthia C. Obadiah
Warith A. Akinshipo
Ejiro P. Awhin
Othuke B. Odeghe
Edith O. Okoro
Egoamaka O. Egbune


This study evaluated the effect of Nigella sativa (NS) seed oil on hepatic function in rat model of periodontitis and diabetes mellitus. Forty-eight Wistar rats were divided into eight groups of six rats each as follows: Group I rats were fed with normal rat chow ad libitum without any induction and served as Control. Group II rats were fed with normal rat chow, water and administered NS oil. Group III rats were induced with diabetes without treatment. Group IV rats were treated with 1 ml/kg bwt NS oil intraperitoneally after diabetes induction (DB + NS.). Group V were induced with periodontitis without treatment. Group VI rats were treated with 1 ml/kg bwt NS oil intraperitoneally after periodontitis induction. Group VII were induced with diabetes and periodontitis without treatment and finally Group VIII rats were treated with 1 ml/kg bwt NS oil after diabetes and periodontitis induction (DB+PD+NS) intraperitoneally. The result showed that treatment with Nigella sativa oil significantly reduced Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activities in Diabetes mellitus and periodontitis group compared with untreated groups. In addition, diabetes and periodontitis disrupted the normal architecture of the liver in the untreated group while the oil ameliorated these effects significantly in the treatment groups. The histology of the jaw showed varying degrees of inflammation in the untreated diabetes and periodontitis group, but these effects were reduced in the treated groups. In conclusion, black seed oil ameliorated the effect of diabetes mellitus and periodontitis in the liver of the Diabetes mellitus and periodontitis induced rats.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-0042
print ISSN: 0189-4757