The effect of storage of okra fruit (A. esculentus), at ambient condition (30 ± 2oC, 65 – 74% RH) for 0 – 7 days on some physical characteristics of okra fruit and the chemical, functional and sensory properties of “orunla” (dried okra slices) powder were investigated. Pod weight, length and diameter of okra fruit decreased rapidly by 26%, 18% and 33% respectively within 7 days of storage at ambient condition. The decrease was accompanied by deteriorative changes in colour and texture (firmness) of the fruit. Storage of fresh okra also led to a decrease in proximate, mineral and vitamin C contents of “orunla” powder except crude fibre. The decreases were significant (p>0.05) for iron, calcium, potassium and vitamin C contents. Although yield of “orunla” increased slightly (10.00 – 12.02 %) within five days of storage of fresh okra, viscosity and colour decreased rapidly from 46.00 cP and 23.50 mg/100 g to 20.00
cP and 6.25 mg/100 g respectively after seven days storage of fresh okra. Sensory evaluation showed significant differences (P>0.05) in colour, sliminess and overall acceptability of “orunla” due to storage of okra fruits at ambient condition. Taste and aroma were however less affected.