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Effect of Drying Method on Quality of Tapioca from Different Varieties of Cassava (Manihot esculenta)
pasting temperature also increased from 243.05 to 297.63 RVU, 3.98 to 5.6 min and 72.59 to 76.8oC respectively with sun-dried TME 1 as the lowest and oven-dried TMS 01/1235 highest. The pasting values of the cassava varieties were however more significantly different (except colour) than those of the drying methods at p < 0.05 as well as on starch properties. Generally, oven-dried tapioca samples had better functional and pasting properties than sun-dried samples. This indicates that oven drying can be used to replace sun drying to obtain products of high quality during the production of tapioca. In addition, the results suggest that oven drying of tapioca will improve functionality in complementary food formulations, including puddings for weaning foods.