Six local processed rice varieties from Ebonyi, Enugu and Anambra States and a Thailand processed rice brand, “Tomato”, were evaluated for their physical and proximate properties as quality indices. Their grain length and shape varied from 5.94 – 7.61 mm and 2.11 – 4.13 respectively and they differed with varieties (P<0.05). The 1000 grain weight ranged between 19.60 g and 22.03 g. Tomato had the least weight and Ugboka the highest volume per unit measure of rice from an enamel cylindrical cup used for selling rice; per standard market cup varied from 270.16 ml – 283.33 ml and they differed (P<0.05). Abakaliki mars had the least and Ikwo the highest volume. Weight per standard cup was between 215.50 g – 224.77 g with Ikwo and Abakaliki having the highest and least values. Prices per cup were in the range of N25 to N35. Abakaliki and Tomato were being sold for N35. The fat content varied from 1.11 – 1.87% and they differed significantly (P<0.05). Ikwo had the highest and Ugboka the least. The protein content ranged between 7.23 and 9.22% and was higher in Omor and Adani the least. Ash content were in the range of 1.19 – 7.50% and it differed with varieties. Uduma had high ash content and Tomato the least. Carbohydrate contents were in the range of 75 to 81% and it differed with varieties (P<0.05). Ugboka and Tomato had the highest carbohydrate value while Uduma had the least.