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The evolution of The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and Consular

K.A.A.N. Thilakarathna Akalanka


This paper examines the growth and evolution of the principle of diplomatic/consular immunity in international law with focus on the Vienna Convention of 1961 which has comprehensively codified the principle. The paper found that the immunity granted to Diplomats under the 1961 Vienna Convention has severally been abused by the diplomatic communities to the detriment of the citizens of the host countries. The immunities against  prosecution granted by the Convention to Diplomats to facilitate the performance of their diplomatic functions are being abused by the diplomats who invoke the immunities as a shield for their personal brushes with the law of the host communities The paper makes some useful suggestions as to how to curb the abuses in view of the wide acceptance by the global community of the principles of diplomatic immunity enshrined in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic and Consular Relations.

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2276-7371