Nnamdi Azikiwe University Journal of International Law and Jurisprudence (NAUJILJ) is a scholarly, online/print, open access, peer-reviewed and fully refereed journal which focuses strictly on issues of international law and jurisprudence. The Journal is abstracted and indexed with African Journals Online (AJOL) and HeinOnline. It provides a forum for legal scholars and jurists to report research findings for policy making through innovative and advanced methodologies. Well researched and original papers on topical subject matters, and case/book reviews, which extend the frontiers of knowledge with a view to solving developmental problems, are welcome. NAUJILJ is published biannually in April and September, and promptly appears in Google scholar. Submission of manuscripts can be made all through the year.
Current Issue: Vol. 15 No. 2 (2024)
Published: 2024-09-17