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Growth and Forage Crops Yield and Mixture Productivity in Pearl Millet-Cowpea Intercropping System in Humid SouthWest Nigeria

A.J. Ajayi
G.O. Ajayi
W.A. Oloriegbe


The experiment aims to evaluate the growth and forage yield of component crops in a pearl millet-cowpea in a replacement intercropping system. The research was undertaken at the experimental site of the Department of Pasture and Range Management, Federal College of Agriculture Akure, Nigeria between June and November 2019. The experiment was carried out using a randomized complete block design with three replications. The intercropping experiment is based on the percentage of substitution of one of the intercrop components with the other. The treatments were sole pearl millet, sole cowpea, Intercrop of 50 % pearl millet + 50% cowpea, 75% pear millet+25% cowpea, 25% pearl millet+75% cowpea, 15% pearl millet + 85% cowpea. Seeds of the component crops were drilled into well-tilled plots each measuring 2 x 3m (6m2). Growth parameters for pearl millet were measured at 3 and 5 weeks after planting while forage yields of component crops were evaluated at 8 and 16 weeks after planting and the crop mixture productivity was estimated. Data collected were analyzed using SAS version 9. The growth of component crops in the pearl millet-cowpea intercropping were mostly not significant (p=0.05). The crop mixture productivity indices were not significantly influenced when harvested at 8WAP. The relative yield total obtained was less than one (<1) which implied yield disadvantage in intercropping component crops at that stage of harvest. Harvesting at 16WAP resulted in significant crop mixture productivity with a more positive contribution and significant relative yield of cowpea in intercropped plots. The relative yield total obtained was greater than (>1) which is an indicative of yield advantage when forage mixtures were harvested at 16WAP. Crop mixture productivity was enhanced with delayed harvesting. Pearl-cowpea mixture for forage production at 25% pearl millet + 75% cowpea and 15 % pearl millet +85% cowpea are recommended with delayed harvesting up to 16WAP.

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 0300-368X