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Assessment of Laboratory and Field Germination Percentages for Sugargraze and Columbus Grass Seeds

M. Dahiru
S.L. Abdurrahaman
A.L. Muhammad
A.S. Muhammad
A.U. Kabir


The experiment was conducted to assess the laboratory and field germination percentages of the two forage sorghum. The laboratory assessment was conducted in the Animal Science Laboratory, Federal University Dutse, whereas the filed experiments were conducted in two (2) distinct locations; Binyaminu Usman Polytechnic and Federal University Dutse, Teaching and Research Farms (BUPoly and FUD farms) in the year 2023 rainy season. The data collected from the laboratory assessment was subjected to T-test using Microsoft excel (10th Edition) for the determination of germination percentages, while the field trial was arranged in a Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) in factorial layout consisting of two factors; Forage sorghum cultivars (Sugargraze and Columbus grass) and Planting spacing (10 x 30 cm, 15 x 45 cm and 25 x 75 cm); these were combined and replicated four (4) times. The data collected from field germination assessment were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using Genstat Statistical package (17th Edition), and means differences were separated using Student-Newman Keuls Test (SNK) at a 5% level of significance. In laboratory seed germination two hundred (200) seeds each of the cultivars were used, replicated ten times with twenty (20) seeds per Glass Petri dish and kept at (28 – 30 0C) for a week. The petri dishes were monitored daily, counted and recorded for the sprouted seeds for determination of percentage germination rate in each replication. The results of the germination percentages of Sugargraze and Columbus grass seeds were 92.50% and 81.50%, respectively. In the field germination, observation, counting and recording were carried out daily from the sowing date until constant numbers of the germinated planted seeds were counted within seven (7) days in each treatments and replicates. In both research locations (BUPoly and FUD farms), there were significantly (P<0.05) higher percentages of germination in Sugargraze (99.29% and 98.76%) compared to Columbus grass (93.07% and 89.69%). About the effect of spacing, there were no significant differences (P>0.05) in field germination in either location.

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 0300-368X