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Technical Efficiency of Snail Production in Rivers State, Nigeria

C.C. Chidindu
K.C. Igwe
J.C. Efedua
L.U. Igwe


This study investigated the technical efficiency of snail farming in Rivers State, Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used to select the one hundred and twenty (120) snail farmers in five local government areas (LGA) from the three agricultural zones in Rivers State, Nigeria. Primary data were collected using questionnaires and personal interviews. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, cost and returns analysis, multiple regression analysis, and stochastic frontier production function. Snail farming was profitable in the study area with a Total Revenue (TR) of N1,344,856.50. They had a Net Farm Income of N758,391.74 per selling season. The factors influencing the net return of snail farmers in the study area were age, education, farming experience, cooperative society, access to credit, and stock size. Technical efficiency distribution of snail farming was computed from frontier 4.1 MLE/Survey Data, 2021 with a mean of 0.798. The result showed that of most snail farmers, about 75.8% were operating between the technical efficiency ranges of 70%-100%. Snail farmers can increase their output by improving their technical efficiency level. This study recommends that the government or the extension workers should sensitize snail farmers concerning the right use of input combinations which can help improve the technical efficiency level of snail farming in the study area; The policymakers should create an awareness for the training of youths and the unemployed on snail farming which is a lucrative business when the technical knowledge is put in place.

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print ISSN: 0300-368X