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Assessment of the Effect of Soaking Duration on Germination and Seedling Growth of Tomato-82-B Variety (Solanum lycopersicum l.)

O.F. Udogu
D.N. Njoku
F.E. Akanwa
B.N. Uwalaka


The research was carried out to evaluate the effect of soaking duration on the germination and seedling growth of the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Tomato-82-B variety. The treatment had four soaking durations of 6 hours, 12 hours, and 18 hours. 24 hours, and the control (zero hour) replicated three times. The results indicated a significant increase in germination percentage. The 24-hour treatment was observed to record the highest germination percentage (98%) while the control had the lowest germination percentage (78%). There was a significant increase in the plant height between the various treatments and the control. The 24-hour treatment had the highest plant height (115 cm), while the control (72 cm) was the least. The result obtained from the number of leaves showed that 24 hours of soaking duration (139) had the highest, while the control (107) had the lowest. The results from stem girth and plant canopy showed a similar result, 24 hours gave the highest result, while the control was the lowest. The seed soaked for 24 hours recorded the highest stem girth (1.17 cm) when compared to other treatments, while the control (0.99 cm) had the least value. Data collected on plant canopy showed that the seed soaked for 24 hours had the highest plant canopy (63 cm), while the control (29 cm) had the lowest value. Results from plant height, stem girth, number of leaves and plant canopy showed significant differences (p≤0.05). We recommend that farmers soak their tomato seeds for 24 hour duration before planting for optimum vegetative growth.

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 0300-368X