Published: 2021-09-29

Effectiveness of Functional Electrical Stimulation - Cycling Treatment in Children with Cerebral Palsy

Natalya Özen, Ece Unlu, Ozgur Zeliha Karaahmet, Eda Gurcay, Ibrahim Gundogdu, Ebru Umay


Decentralising diabetes care from hospitals to primary health care centres in Malawi

Colin Pfaff, Gift Malamula, Gabriel Kamowatimwa, Jo Theu, Theresa J Allain, Alemayehu Amberbir, Sunganani Kwilasi, Saulos Nyirenda, Martias Joshua, Jane Mallewa, Joep J van Oosterhout, Monique van Lettow


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1995-7262
print ISSN: 1995-7270