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The Influence of teaching methods on approaches to student learning in teacher education: the case of Kilosa District in Morogoro, Tanzania

Saigilu Lootha Mindey


This study examined the influence of teaching methods on approaches to student learning in teacher education. The study was conducted at Ilonga and Dakawa teacher’s colleges in the Morogoro region. The study adopted Bigg’s 3Ps (Presage, Process, and Product) model. This model helped in relating teaching aspects and students’ approaches to learning because it links the students’ prior experiences with their perceptions of the learning context, their approaches to learning, and their learning outcomes. Data were obtained from a sample of 32 respondents through purposive sampling. Students were categorised into high- and low-performing groups. Data were subjected to content analysis and presented verbatim. The study findings revealed that, despite receiving many professional trainings on learner-centered teaching from teachers colleges, many tutors still use less participatory methods. Additionally, the majority of teaching in teachers colleges has relied on teacher-centered approaches, such as lectures and storytelling, with only a few instances of a learner-centered approach. It was also found that there is a close relationship between teaching methods and students’ approaches to learning. It is recommended that tutors use learner-centered teaching to encourage more students to adopt a deeper approach to learning. Additionally, tutors should encourage students to study for understanding rather than relying on memorization as a learning method. The need for further research on the factors that make tutors avoid learner-centered methodology is significant.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2683-6467
print ISSN: 2683-6475