Published: 2022-10-18

CITES must urgently take the steps to save Madagascar’s unique species of rosewood and ebony

Mark A. Roberts, Derek Schuurman, Porter P. Lowry II, A. N. A. Ratsifandrihamanana , S. Rafanomezantsoa , Patrick O. Waeber, Lucienne Wilmé


Preliminary survey of the threatened carnivores in the Daraina Loky-Manambato Protected Area, Madagascar

Patrick H. Ross, Brandon Semel, Giovanni Walters, Erin M. Wampole, Amidou Souleimany, Zach J. Farris


Clarification on protected area management efforts in Madagascar during periods of heightened uncertainty and instability

F. Ollier D. Andrianambinina, Patrick O. Waeber, Derek Schuurman, Porter P. Lowry, Lucienne Wilmé


Insights from practitioners in Madagascar to inform more effective international conservation funding

Johanna Eklund, Jennifer Zavaleta Cheek, Luciano Andriamaro, Tsiorisoa Mihanta Bakoliarimisa, Christina Galitsky, Ony Rabearivololona, Domoina J. Rakotobe, Harifidy O. Ralison, Lalatiana Odile Randriamiharisoa, Joe Rasamoelinarivo, David Rasolofoson, Joelisoa Ratsirarson, Andriamandimbisoa Razafimpahanana, Eric Marcel Temba, Aili Pyhälä, Daniel C. Miller


Addenda à l’article Revue des textes fonciers et forestiers pour la mise en œuvre de la restauration des paysages forestiers à Madagascar

Herimino Manoa Rajaonarivelo, O. Sarobidy Rakotonarivo, Stefana Raharijaona, Eric Raparison, Mirindra Rakotoarisoa, Neal Hockley


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1662-2510