The central concept in this article is that of “Educability” operation defined as the ‘probability that children will earn what they are supposed to learn' and with the factors both genetic and environmental which affect this. The main emphasis, although not the only one is on factors related to cognitive development since so much of the current theory and practice of curriculum development and methods of teaching is dependent on notions about the nature of cognition. Much of the research on the development of cognitive skills and hence of the derived theory were carried out with Western children. Hardly were the minority used. Similarly most of the curriculum building based on the theories has gone on in Western educational systems. We adapt such curricula, almost unaltered and in other cases in our current jargon “adapted to meet our local needs”. But very seldom, if ever have we questioned their fundamental psychological basis. Do the theories of cognitive development on which they rest stand up in the Ghanaian context or do the children in Ghana, develop cognitive concepts in Mathematics just the same way as British children? If not, what the modes of concepts formation and Ghanaian children and what are the implications for curriculum development for teaching/learning.
(Mathematics Connection: 2001 2: 61-64)