Notes for Contributors

For submissions and/or inquiries email:

Policies: Submission of a manuscript to MAJOHE implies that the work being described, in whole or substantial part, is not concurrently being considered for publication elsewhere; those contributing the manuscripts accept the editor’s prerogative to effect changes to the manuscripts as may be deemed fit for purposes of quality assurance; and in case of two or more authors, all the co-authors have endorsed the submission of the manuscript. Contributors must not use sexist language (e.g. the notion that man is a generic term that includes women). United Kingdom English spellings and conventions of usage are preferred. The information and views expressed in MAJOHE are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Journal, its staff, the East African School of Higher Education Studies and Development, Makerere University College of Education, Makerere University or their partners. Articles are published on the assumption that they are original and have not been published elsewhere. In the unlikely event that plagiarized materials are published, therefore, those submitting them, rather than the Journal, are to be held to account. All the articles published in MAJOHE are covered by copyright and may not be reproduced without the prior permission of the copyright owner. All the manuscripts submitted are subjected to careful screening by the Editor and, if found to be generally suitable for publication, subjected to blind review by at least two peers. Manuscripts that are found to be generally unsuitable for publication in MAJOHE will not be submitted for peer review. However, their contributors will be requested to make the required revisions and resubmit. Stylistic requirements: Contributors to MAJOHE should adhere to the following requirements: Length: 4000 to 6000 words. Format: Times New Roman; size 12 and 1.5 spacing. Structure: Even though articles may have other subsections as may be thought necessary by the author(s), the following should be conspicuous: Introduction; Methodology; Findings; Discussion; Conclusions; and Recommendations. Tables, diagrams, figures and pictures should be in their appropriate places in the body of the article. Abstract: Articles must be accompanied with an abstract of not more than 150 words. Keywords: After the abstract, the author(s) should outline the keywords in the article, on whose basis it can be classified. Referencing: All citations must be referenced and contributors should adhere to the sixth edition of the APA format. Contributors of accepted manuscripts will receive detailed guidelines for preparing accepted papers for publication. Contributors may note that, although reviews may be accepted, priority will be given to primary papers that are original and discuss themes or cases that are relevant at national and international levels.
Submission and enquiries: Manuscripts should be e-mailed to the editor at as word attachments. Enquiries, including questions on the appropriateness of manuscripts intended for submission, should also be sent to the same address.
However, feedback on published articles should be addressed directly to the corresponding authors.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2707-6113
print ISSN: 1816-6822
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