Biannually, the East African School of Higher Education Studies and Development (College of Education and External Studies, Makerere University) produces Makerere Journal of Higher Education (MAJOHE) (ISSN: 1816-6822 [print]; 2707-6113 [online]). The goal of the Journal is to provide a visible outlet for definitive articles that discuss the theories, practices and policies relating to the role, development, management and improvement of higher education from an international viewpoint. Therefore, the editor invites contributions that link relevant theory and research evidence to the policy and practice of higher education. Though a highly diverse range of contributions will be considered, the Journal gives special preference to conceptual and empirical writing that is relevant to the understanding, promotion and constructive criticism of the reform agenda in African higher education institutions and national systems and integrates pertinent international developments, debates and challenges. This is because the Journal’s management board acknowledges that the questions, issues, theories and policies pertaining to the development of contemporary higher education institutions and systems require in-depth study and international comparison. Preference is also given to contributions that discuss new initiatives at regional and continental levels (including the work of national and multilateral higher education organisations and associations). The Journal’s editorial policy prefers submissions that synthesise the significance of different higher education policy alternatives and geographical experiences in explaining the phenomenon at hand. In addition to rigorous examination of the ‘local dimension’ of the issues that they expound, therefore, contributions mirror conversance with relevant international perspectives and experiences, thereby situating the debate in a broad discourse that facilitates holistic understanding of the issues at hand. Edited from Makerere University, Uganda, the Journal draws on the expertise of a diverse editorial board, as well as a wide range of reviewers in and beyond Africa. The Journal is committed to the publication of both experienced and early career researchers so its editorial policy puts overriding attention on helping contributors to reach the level of quality that is deemed fit for publication through ensuring relevant, fair and penetrating reviews as well as timely relay of feedback to contributors.
Current Issue: Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023)
Published: 2023-05-15