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The Challenges Facing Accounting Education: The Nigerian Experience
The need of the accounting profession to effectively and continuously meet new challenges confronting it and adapt its services to changing conditions and circumstances has become a necessity to the survival of the profession and the society. The challenges confronting the accountant on his role to the society at large in a dynamic and complex environment have made the accounting profession and education in the society assume a new dimension. The accountant has found himself helpless in the face of these mirage of problems confronting both the public and private sectors of the economy. The purpose of this paper is therefore to review the development of accounting profession in Nigeria, the need for effective training and retraining of the accountant and the need for continuous review of relevant accounting curriculum. It critically examines the profession and the state dynamics that have helped shape the various development of the accounting profession in Nigeria. The study revealed that development of accounting education in Nigeria has been affected by lack of teachers, facilities and funding among others.
Keywords: Accounting Research, Challenges, Curriculum, Accounting Education, Accountant.