Nigeria, like most African nations is still battling with the issue of subsistent living which does not leave much room for anyone to engage in the enterprise of philosophizing. This is made more difficult by the crop of political leadership who, as a result of greed and materialistic tendencies, has rubbished the values for hard work, human dignity, honesty and integrity in the national polity. In such a scenario, some have even doubted the relevance of philosophy. But since ‘knowledge saves, and ignorance entangles; since knowledge liberates, and ignorance enslaves, philosophy by clarifying our political and social concepts, empowers the electorate as well as political office seekers / holders with the appreciation of their rights and privileges as well as their duties within the polity. Philosophy can and should develop a ‘social vision’, with norms, goals and values for every actor in the polity so as to guard against skewed behaviours that are inimical to social justice.
LWATI: A Journal of Contemporary Research, 9(2), 201-212, 2012