The incessant and current crisis in the Nigeria nation has become worrisome to the extent that both the poor and the rich hardly go to bed with both eyes closed. In the course of research it has been discovered that the increasing rate of unemployment is the major cause of alarming crime rate in the country therefore this paper tries to explore other ways in which Nigeria society can create jobs for themselves and rid the country of unemployment. One of those ways is through the institution of cooperative society, how it can be established, managed and sustained by ensure highest efficiency while providing services to members; improve management capabilities and competencies through effective organizational designs and structure;, increasingly focus on directly enhancing socio-economic conditions of their members by undertaking value-added operations; encouraging members’ participation through improved, diversified services; and strictly adhere to the values of honesty, openness, caring and concern for community and environments.
LWATI: A Journal of Contemporary Research, 9(2), 159-173, 2012