This paper examined the mechanisms for quality assurance in Southern Nigeria tertiary institutions. It assessed the application of the mechanisms to educational institutions and observed that the functions of these mechanisms which are both internal and external have not yield the desired results over the years. The paper further highlight the problems of quality assurance and the roles NUC, institutions Audit and Research assessment mechanisms towards quality assurance in the educational system; and found that the level of quality is still very low with respect to performance. The major problems identified as being responsible for the existing poor quality and function in Nigerian tertiary institutions include; inadequate human and material resources, inadequate funding, poor curriculum design, week internal governance, loss of autonomy an academic freedom, politics, absolute dependence on government, inconsistent policies and mismanagement. In order to find solutions to these problems and to put tertiary institutions in the right position towards delivery quality assurance, the paper conclude that the mechanisms of quality assurance requires urgent systemic and institutional reformation. The paper recommended that due to change in our educational system, adequate fund, human and material resources, autonomy, academic freedom and a well designed curriculum should be put in place so as to enhance qualitative education in Nigeria.
LWATI: A Journal of Contemporary Research, 9(2), 49-63, 2012