This paper examined funding of Private Universities in Nigeria. The Federal Government has fully accepted Private Universities in the country which at the moment are up to forty – one. The paper contends that the funding of the Private Universities should be a major concern of the Federal Government through the Education Tax Fund and Petroleum Technology Development Fund as much as she is concerned with the Federal and State Universities. If Nigeria truly believes in Education for All as a Millennium Development Goal, part of the citizens should not be cut off just because they are attending Private Universities where they are to be empowered to serve the same nation. Since Education is the vehicle for the attainment of the nation’s 7 – Point Agenda, adequate funding of both public and Private Universities is imperative. Recommendations include the call on the Federal Government to comply with the 1925 Education Memorandum that asked the Government to assist all voluntary agencies that are running schools and are doing well. Private universities should be assisted from Educational Tax Fund(ETF) and Petroleum Technology Development Fund(PTDF). Private Proprietors should diversity their sources of funding.
LWATI: A Journal of Contemporary Research, 8(4), 272-282, 2011