Kana and Tẹẹ (Ogoni) are closely related, with some degree of mutual intelligibility, though speakers of Tẹẹ claim that the two are distinct languages, often drawing attention to some lexical items which are used Kana but not Tẹẹ (Ladefoged 1995, Anyanwu 2004).In addition to the lexical differences, there are also noticeable differences in the phonological inventories of Kana and Tẹẹ. For instance, Tẹẹ has four phonemic consonants which are not found in Kana. These are the voiceless alveolar nasal /n∞/, the voiceless alveolar lateral /l/∞ and the voiceless approximants or fricatives /Χ/ and /©/ (Ladefoged 1995:45).In spite of these noticeable lexical and phonological differences, some speakers of Kana still regard Tẹẹ as a form of Kana. Presently, various aspects of Kana and Tẹẹ are being documented and some research works are being carried out on both Kana and Tẹẹ grammar. The findings from these on-gong researches are highlighting the similarities and differences between these two lects. As part of the contribution to the on-going documentation and researches, this paper examines Kana and Tẹẹ personal pronominal systems and has observed that the extent of the close genetic relationship between kana and Tẹẹ is reflected in the pronominal system of both lects. To this extent, Kana and Tẹẹ personal pronouns do not reveal any considerable variations morphophonemically. The few minor variations observed are tonal and segmental in nature.
LWATI: A Journal of Contemporary Research, 8(4), 99-106, 2011