This paper registers that globalization is a multifaceted phenomenon that can be viewed from the socio-economic, political and cultural perspectives. The paper explore the globalization theory which calls for the unification of one global village and also looks at forces driving globalization such as international free trade and investment which are highly influenced by information highway. The essays also looks at both the liberal and radical perspectives surrounding the process of globalization and reveals that the liberal viewpoint sees globalization as a necessary evil whilst the radical perspective sees the process as promoting socio-economic and political misery within the nation-states especially those in the Global-South. Finally, the paper attempts to reflect on the socio-economic and political impact of globalization on the nation-states and suggests some alternatives which could be employed so as for the process to benefit all within its umbrella.
Keywords: Globalization, Liberal Perspective, Radical Perspective, Nation-state, Democracy
LWATI: A Journal of Contemporary Research, 8(2), 177-187, 2011